This demo is simpler than the one concerning a Church number applied to a busy beaver. Here I do the following. First imagine that you see the tape word as a term A(x) which has an input x. First form the term Lx.A(x) , then use chemlambda to command it to transforms into 3 copies of itself, while it computes in the same time. That means that the tape word, which is initially, in this example, just the head of the busy beaver on a tape filled with blanks, will transform while the head moves into 3 busy beavers, each on it's own tape. Eventually, the end state will be 3 copies of the busy beaver after it has processed a blanks filled tape (i.e. each will have on it 6 1's and the head in the state HALT).
The algorithm has been run in the non deterministic regime ( wei_L3T=1; wei_A3TFI3T=1; wei_FO3T=1; wei_FO2TFOET=1; wei_FOFOE=1; wei_LFOELFO=1; wei_AFOAFOE=1; wei_PROP=1; wei_FIFO=1; wei_FIFOE=1; wei_AL=1; wei_blank=1; wei_head=0; wei_turing=1; ). I used the time realistic wait_param=0; which means that the times when no reductions happen are present in the demo as well.
If you want tot experiment, then click on "fork me on github" and copy the gh-pages branch of the repo. Then look in the dynamic folder for the script In a terminal type "bash", then type "bbdupli.mol". You shall get the file bbdupli.html which you can see by using a js enabled browser.
The sh script calls an awk script, which produces the html file. The awk script is check_1_mov2_rand_metabo_bb.awk. Open it with a text editor and you shall see at the beginning all kinds of parameters which you can change (before calling the sh script), so that you may alter the duration, the speed, change between deterministic and random algorithms.
Finally, you also need a mol file to play. For this demo has been used the mol file bbdupli.mol. You can also open it with a text editor and play with it.