If you want tot experiment, then click on "fork me on github" and copy the gh-pages branch of the repo. Then look in the dynamic folder for the script moving_random_metabo_bb.sh. In a terminal type "bash moving_random_metabo_bb.sh", then type "church3bb.mol". You shall get the file church3bb.html which you can see by using a js enabled browser.
The sh script calls an awk script, which produces the html file. The awk script is check_1_mov2_rand_metabo_bb.awk. Open it with a text editor and you shall see at the beginning all kinds of parameters which you can change (before calling the sh script), so that you may alter the duration, the speed, change between deterministic and random algorithms.
Finally, you also need a mol file to play. For this demo has been used the mol file church3bb.mol. You can also open it with a text editor and play with it.
The algorithm has been run in the deterministic regime (i.e. all wei_*=0; ).